Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Existence of God

Spiritual agnosticism by no means dictates whether or not God exists.

Rather, this philosophy claims that God's existence is irrelevent to life on earth, for even if there is a Supreme Being, it would not demand belief in its existence. Spiritual agnosticism condemns the "believe-or-burn" attitudes of religious ideologies that demand belief in God in order to reach peace.

Morality, by definition, is innate in all human beings. It can be repressed or accepted by the individual, but it is innate. Not surprisingly, the tenets of every single major religion are built on similar moral values, i.e. not killing, stealing, lying, etc. Rather than following the tenets of religion out of a fear of God, spiritual agnostics follow the same moral values for the purpose of reaping, giving, and sharing the rewards in this life time.

It should be noted that even if there is a God, there would be no way to tell which religious belief in divinity God would favor. Spiritual agnosticism shows that if there is a God, then it would favor those who truly follow the basic moral values that the religions of the world (as well as the conscience of the mind) agree on, no matter what religion, if any, those individuals choose to follow. This concept by and large allows for the sheer inclusivity of spiritual agnosticism as well as its acceptance by those who already have a loose allegience to a religion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you! You have explained what I've felt all along, but haven't been able to adequately verbalize. Great post!

  3. thank you so much for your great posts.i always felt uncomfortable when people ask about my religion as i do not agree with the faith i have been given from birth.so i have been researching some beliefs for some time now and found spiritual agnosticism but was confused but this blog has sorted that out and now i know that i am a spiritual agnostic.i am so happy to have finally found a faith that has the same beliefs and view points on life and god as i do.once again thank you this really helped me.

  4. Hi there! I realize that this blog hasn't been active for quite some time now, but I'm commenting anyway just to let you know how brilliant all of your thoughts are.

    When I try to explain religion and spirituality to my daughter (she'll be fourteen this month!), this is the kind of thing that I want her to read, and hopefully, understand.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with the world. :)

  5. I've been searching for several years for...well...what many people search. It's been a long road to find words for my beliefs on god and faith. I'm not christian. I know that. I'm not atheist. I know that. I'm not agnostic. I know that. I might feel most comfortable defining my views as spiritual agnostic but would like to know more. That is how I stumbled on your blog. Thank you for being here.

    Is there any literature or resources you can recommend on the topic of spiritual agnosticism? I have done some searching....and haven't had much luck. Thanks again.
